VDOS-2023: International Workshop on Vaccine and Drug Ontology Studies (August 29th, 2023)

Virtual: Zoom (the link will be provided to the registered participants before the workshop)

Program (Time zone: Brazilian time)

Start End Title Speaker Recorded videos
8:30 AM 8:35 Introduction
Section I: Vaccine
8:35 9:00 Ontological representation, modeling, and analysis of parasite vaccines Anthony Huffman
(Univ. of Michigan; USA)
9:00 9:25 A Cascaded Framework for Mapping Vaccine Ontology Terms from Clinical Trials using Fine-Tuned Domain-Specific Language Models Jianfu Li
(Univ. of Texas, Houston; USA)
9:25 9:50 Reviewing Open Information Extraction Approach for Coverage and Enrichment of the Vaccine Ontology Muhammad "Tuan" Amith
(Univ. of Texas Medical Branch; USA)
9:50 10:00 Introduction to Vaccine KnowledgeBase VIOLIN Yongqun "Oliver" He
(Univ. of Michigan; USA)
10:00 10:15 Break
Section II: methodology & Drug
10:15 10:40 Leveraging Logical Definitions and Lexical Features to Detect Missing IS-A Relations in Biomedical Terminologies Rashmie Abeysinghe
(Univ. of Texas, Houston; USA)
10:40 11:05 Enriching the FIDEO ontology with food-drug interactions from online knowledge sources Fleur Mougin
(Univ. Bordeaux, France)
11:05 11:15 ChatGPT to identify of drug-drug interactions from texts Hasin Rehana
(Univ. of North Dakota; USA)
11:15 11:45 Section III: Discussion & Closing remark

Please note the time difference. The meeting starts at 8:30 AM Brazilian time, 7:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time.

Conference Videos

Playlists of the current and previous VDOS conference recordings are available on YouTube.